Friday, September 30, 2016

Wedding Bells and Magical Elk

It's Rob's wedding day!

Today, Rob and Allison got married.  We took this semi-paved, semi-dirt road to get to the chapel. Along the way, we passed a protected migratory route with moose (?) or bison (?) eating along the side of the road.  We are definitely in a national park now.

The weather was unfortunately very uncooperative and totally blocked the view of the mountains from the chapel.  However, the bride and groom were quite exuberant and everything went perfectly. The wedding took place in this tiny little log chapel.  Afterwards, they got to ring a bell right outside in celebration. We had a delicious brunch at the (only?) local restaurant in Moose, Wyoming.  The cloudy drizzle refused to let up for pictures, but the tent had space heaters so everyone was warm and happy.  We have yet to see the Grand Teton mountain. I am starting to doubt their existence, but Allison swears they are there.


Afterwards, Nick and I rented bikes from the hotel and went for an 8 mile ride. It had stopped raining, so we were ready to get outside It was an awesome way to really take in the area.  We had just enough sun to stay warm and highlight the snow on top of the mountains we could see. (The really tall ones remained obscured by clouds.)


Along the way, we saw an Elk in the field next to the road. I tried to take a picture, but all that came out was white. I have decided it was a magical Elk.  Unlike in New England, the animals don't seem afraid of people out here. The Elk just watched as we rode by.

We said hi to the cows in a nearby field and got to stop and see the horses across the street from the hotel. We can see them out of our window. They have been a blast to watch in the morning while eating breakfast.

After the ride, we went back to the hotel for happy hour (They provide free food and cookies!) and to rest up before going out to dinner with Rob's family. We met some really awesome  people and once again had a surprisingly good meal for the middle of nowhere. 

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